Hey, I'm Developer Jesse Senior developer and technical lead at Rootstock Labs.

I build applications on Bitcoin via Rootstock EVM compatible blockchain. Projects include DAOs, wallets, account abstraction, digital identity and crypto domains.

Blog Posts Page: 2 of 7

  • Add a custom chain or ERC20 coin to MetaMask

    Help users connect to your network by using the wallet_addEthereumChain and wallet_watchAsset methods.

  • Checksums are for humans

    Checksums are a method of capitalizing certain characters in an address for a specific EVM network. This includes Ethereum, Ethereum testnets, RSK, and its testnet, Binance Smart Chain, and others.

  • Access React Native WebView's console logs

    I inherited a React Native application that contains a web browser component. The Web browser injects window.ethereum as a web3 provider which means that there is some additional code that we need to write to the window element. Creating a Dapp Browser could be an entirely different post!

  • Tracking COVID Vaccinations using Verifiable Credentials

    A quick example of using verifiable credentials in the tracking of medicine and vaccines.

  • Using Brave with the RSK Network and Register a .RSK domain

    The Brave browser is gaining popularity for its privacy features and built-in crypto wallet. With Chrome and Firefox if a user wants to connect to the Ethereum network they need to download a third-party plugin such as MetaMask or Nifty. The wallet inside of Brave is based on MetaMask’s open-source code. The Browser’s wallet comes connected to the Ethereum mainnet and multiple testnets. You can add a custom network which is how we are going to add RSK.

  • Push Content to Algolia Search with Bitbucket Pipelines

    I had been thinking about adding a search tool to this site for a while now. In fact, I had a bitbucket issue created back in October 2018 about it! Today, I installed Algolia on the site, and am pushing the content to be indexed via Bitbucket Pipelines.