AI Meets Bitcoin, How Rootstock Powers the Future of Trustless AI | HackerNoon
Posted on Hackernoon for Rootstock. AI is changing the way we interact with technology, and in the world of blockchain, its impact is just beginning. The real challenge? Trust.
AI Meets Bitcoin, How Rootstock Powers the Future of Trustless AI | HackerNoon
Posted on Hackernoon and co-authored for Rootstock. Wallets are a vital cog in the crypto ecosystem — and for newcomers to the space, often serve as a gateway to understanding how digital assets work.
Add a custom chain or ERC20 coin to MetaMask
Help users connect to your network by using the wallet_addEthereumChain and wallet_watchAsset methods.
Checksums are for humans
Checksums are a method of capitalizing certain characters in an address for a specific EVM network. This includes Ethereum, Ethereum testnets, RSK, and its testnet, Binance Smart Chain, and others.
Using Brave with the RSK Network and Register a .RSK domain
The Brave browser is gaining popularity for its privacy features and built-in crypto wallet. With Chrome and Firefox if a user wants to connect to the Ethereum network they need to download a third-party plugin such as MetaMask or Nifty. The wallet inside of Brave is based on MetaMask’s open-source code. The Browser’s wallet comes connected to the Ethereum mainnet and multiple testnets. You can add a custom network which is how we are going to add RSK.