Add a custom chain or ERC20 coin to MetaMask
Help users connect to your network by using the wallet_addEthereumChain and wallet_watchAsset methods.
Checksums are for humans
Checksums are a method of capitalizing certain characters in an address for a specific EVM network. This includes Ethereum, Ethereum testnets, RSK, and its testnet, Binance Smart Chain, and others.
Using Brave with the RSK Network and Register a .RSK domain
The Brave browser is gaining popularity for its privacy features and built-in crypto wallet. With Chrome and Firefox if a user wants to connect to the Ethereum network they need to download a third-party plugin such as MetaMask or Nifty. The wallet inside of Brave is based on MetaMask’s open-source code. The Browser’s wallet comes connected to the Ethereum mainnet and multiple testnets. You can add a custom network which is how we are going to add RSK.