Posts with the tag Jekyll

  • Push Content to Algolia Search with Bitbucket Pipelines

    I had been thinking about adding a search tool to this site for a while now. In fact, I had a bitbucket issue created back in October 2018 about it! Today, I installed Algolia on the site, and am pushing the content to be indexed via Bitbucket Pipelines.

  • Jekyll Liquid Plugin Hello World

    This blog has been built with Jekyll templates for about a month now, and I recently moved it over to Bitbucket and hosted with Digital Ocean. Since it moving away from GitHub for hosting, I can use custom plugins! GitHub limits the plugins they allow on their site for security reasons, which makes sense.

  • Welcome to Jekyll, New Format, Same Content

    This blog was running WordPress for the past three years, and today I decided to convert it into Jekyll. The most significant driving factor is that WordPress is overkill for what I want to do. I need a platform where I can publish content and manipulate. Besides the WordPress platform, the template I was using had a handful of extra plugins that were required to run the blog.